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Our Programme

Exploring our community

Excursions are a major part of our curriculum at Tots On The Rock and as such we get out of the centre most days of the week in small groups. We value the learning experiences that arise from connections with the outside world and wider community.

Regular weekly excursions include trips to Waiheke Library where we join in with the story time and socialise with other tamariki from the community, and also get to choose our own books to take back to the centre.

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Ready to Learn

Exploring our Community

Oneroa village is the hub of Waiheke and we are fortunate enough to have it on our doorstep. Our Tots explorers, get out and about in the village, talking about signs and signals in our community. Visiting the shops stocking up our fruit and vege for the centers menu. At Tots on the Rock, one of our core values is supporting our tamariki to develop local knowledge about spiritual and physical features of Waiheke Island

We get to visit the library and participate in story time. Join in waiata at Korero Kids, enjoy a game of football at Alison Park and have special guided visits of our local fire station; a Tots favourite.


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Discovery through Excursions 

Excursions are a major part of our curriculum at Tots on the Rock, and as such we get out of the centre a few times a week in small groups. We value the learning experiences which come from the outside world and wider community. 

Excursions are a fantastic medium for children and adults to learn alongside each other and make discoveries together. Tamariki and adults develop a shared understanding through sharing knowledge, listening and talking to each other.

The value of excursions to the centre programme and to the tamariki is substantial, as the discoveries made on excursions can then be extended and elaborated on as further points for exploration and learning. Benefits of excursions include, but are not limited to:

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Observing social systems and the roles people play
Developing problem solving skills
Making sense of the world around them

Keeping themselves safe; crossing roads,

looking both ways and general road safety awareness

Furthering language and literacy skills
Cooperation and responsibility

Discovering nature, its benefits and developing

a relationship with it